
How To Clear Face Tattoo On Bento Head

Applier/BOM Help

Dear customers!

On this page you'll find step by step instructions on how to use Izzie's appliers/BOM layers on your mesh head/body and troubleshooting tips. If you have any problems or questions that haven't been answered here, please also check out my FAQ page or contact Izzie Button inworld and I'll gladly try to help.

How to use BOM layers:

  • In order to see BOM layers/BakesOnMesh/system layers on your mesh head/body, make sure you are using a viewer that supports BOM, you are wearing a mesh head/body that has been updated for BOM or is offering any kind of BOM relay/installer hud and you are wearing a BOM skin (BOM makeup doesn't work on applier skins). Here is a great tutorial on how to activate BOM on your mesh head and body.
  • Add Izzie's BOM Color Guide Hud (newer releases) or open the Contact Sheet texture , if available, and pick a color/number:

  • Find the system layer in that color/number in your inventory folder, right-click that layer in your inventory and choose "add" . If you choose "wear" , the top layer/last layer you have worn will get replaced!

  • If the makeup/tattoo looks too harsh for you, you can try a different opacity version, if available.
  • If needed, tint the BOM layer (right – click and "edit" the makeup in your inventory, click the color/tint window):

If you want to change the order of the system layers , there is an easy and fast way to do it:

  • Let's say you want to wear an eyeliner over an eyeshadow, but right now the eyeshadow is layered on top of the eyeliner, so the liner is hidden. Take off the eyeliner, and add it back on again, then the eyeliner goes on top.

Another way to change the order of the system layers (when you want to edit the order of multiple layers at once) would be clicking the arrows next to the layers in your appearance/ edit outfit window:

  • In Official Viewer right-click your avatar and choose "edit my outfit" or find the layer in your appearance window in the "wearing" tab, right-click it and choose "edit outfit" .
  • In Firestorm Viewer right-click your avatar and choose "appearance – edit outfit" or find the layer in your appearance window in the "wearing" tab, right-click it and choose "edit outfit" .
  • There is a list of your worn system layers now. If you hover over their names, you see up and down arrows next to it. By clicking the arrows, you decide in which order they are layered over your head/body. So for example if you want to wear eyeliner over an eyeshadow, click the "up" arrow next to the eyeliner or the "down" arrow next to the eyeshadow.

  • To remove the makeup/tattoo, right click the BOM layer in your inventory or in your outfits window and choose "take off".

 Find more BOM infos here!

How to use CATWA Appliers:

  •  Make sure you are on a region where scripts are allowed.
  •  Wear the Catwa Mesh head and Hud.
  •  Wear/add Izzie's Catwa Applier Hud and click on your preferred color/style.
  •  IMPORTANT: Depending on what you are wearing and the face area the makeup applies to, the applier might replace your existing makeup. Catwa heads have a double layer option , so you will be able to wear two makeups on one face area at the same time. However the eye area can be tricky, because your lashes will cause alpha issues when in "blend" mode. You can try to fix it by switching the lashes to "mask" mode in the lashes tab. This will fix the alpha issue, however your lashes may or may not look nice, depending on the style of your lashes:

If you're having troubles with layering, I'll link you an easy and quick video tutorial below, that has helped myself and many of my customers before.

  • If the makeup color looks different or black, you probably tinted the makeup area before – tint it back to white using your Catwa Hud.
  • Also make sure the blend slider on your Catwa Hud makeup area is dragged to the far left, or the makeup will look translucent or invisible.

  • If you want to tint the makeup, click the tint tab on your Catwa Hud. Under Diffuse select the makeup area you'd like to tint -either upper or lower layer by clicking the top or bottom of the makeup icon- and then use the color picker.

  • If you want to change the intensity of the makeup, use the blend sliders in the makeup sections of your Catwa Hud (see above).
  • To take the makeup off, click the "clear" buttons on Izzie's Hud or click "clear" on the makeup sections on Catwa's Main Hud.

Find more CATWA help here!

How to use LELUTKA EVOLUTION HD Appliers: (will NOT work on LeLutka Origins heads!)

  • Make sure you are on a region where scripts are allowed.
  • Wear the LeLutka Evolution head and Hud.
  • Add Izzie's LeLutka HD Applier Hud and click on your preferred color/style.
  • If nothing happens, make sure the blend slider on your LeLutka Hud makeup area is dragged to the far right, or the makeup will look translucent or invisible. You'll find the makeup area by clicking the HD button on your LeLutka Hud and then click either the HD brows, HD eyeshadow or HD lipstick buttons on the left.

  • If you want to tint the makeup, click the HD button followed by the drop icon on your LeLutka Hud – a new tab will open. Select the layer you'd like to tint and then use the color picker.

  • If you want to change the intensity of the makeup, click the HD button on the LeLutka Hud. In the HD brows, HD eyeshadow or HD lipstick tab you'll find the blend slider to change the intensity of the makeup (see above).
  • Take the makeup off by clicking the clear button on Izzie's hud or by clicking the clear button on your LeLutka Hud.

Find more LELUTKA help here!

How to use LELUTKA Origins Appliers: (will NOT work on LeLutka Evolution heads!)

  • Make sure you are on a region where scripts are allowed.
  • Wear the LeLutka Origins head and Hud.
  • Wear/add Izzie's LeLutka Applier Hud and click on your preferred color/style.
  • If you want to tint the makeup, click the tint layers button on your LeLutka Hud – a new tab will open. Select the layer you'd like to tint and then use the color picker.

  • If you want to change the intensity of the makeup, use the blend sliders on your LeLutka Hud.

  • If you want to apply the makeup to a different face area, turn Rerouting on in the Essentials tab on your LeLutka Hud. Then click the applier button and choose a face area from the popup menu.

  • Take the makeup off by clicking the clear buttons on Izzie's Hud or by deactivating/clearing the areas on your LeLutka Hud.

Find more LELUTKA help here!

How to use GENUS Appliers:

  • Make sure you are on a region where scripts are allowed.
  • Wear the Genus Mesh head and Hud.
  • Wear/add Izzie's Genus Applier Hud and click on your preferred color/style.
  • If the makeup color looks different or black, the makeup area might have been tinted before. Try tinting the area back to white in the Layers Control Tab of your Genus Hud.
  • If you want to tint the makeup, click on the makeup name in the layers control tab of your Genus hud. Click on the layer name (tattoo, eyeshadow…) NOT the drop icon – the drop icon will clear your makeup! Then use the color picker.

  • If you want to change the intensity of the makeup, use the opacity wheel on your Genus Hud in the layers control tab.

  • To take the makeup off, click the "clear" button on Izzie's hud or click the little drop icon next to the makeup names in the layers control tab on the Genus Hud.

How to use OMEGA Face Appliers:

  • Make sure you are on a region where scripts are allowed.
  • Make sure your head is activated for Omega (find all Omega system kits here): some heads already have Omega built-in, some need an Omega relay hud that has to be worn each time you use an Omega applier, some need an Omega installer hud, that you click once and your head is Omega ready.
  • Add Izzie's Omega Applier Hud and click on your preferred color/style once if you want to apply it to the default face area or if you want to apply the makeup to a different face area, double click an applier button and choose the area from the popup menu.
  • Some of Izzie's Omega appliers come in a tattoo and cheeks option. For Catwa heads please use the cheeks version , click an applier button and choose the layers you want to use from the popup menu (the tattoo version would apply everything to your whole head by default, so if you want to choose the layers by yourself, use the cheeks one). For Genus, LAQ and LeLutka Origins heads please use the tattoo version , click an applier button once and choose a layer of your choice from the popup menu.
  • If needed tint/blend the makeup using your mesh head Hud.
  • Take the makeup off by clicking the clear button on Izzie's hud or by using the clear options on your mesh head Hud.

Find more OMEGA help here!

How to use OMEGA Body Appliers:

  • Make sure you are on a region where scripts are allowed.
  • Make sure your body is activated for Omega (find all Omega system kits here): some bodies already have Omega built-in, some need an Omega relay hud that has to be worn each time you use an Omega applier, some need an Omega installer hud, that you click once and your body is Omega ready.
  • Add Izzie's Omega Applier Hud and click on your preferred color/style.
  • If needed tint the body tattoo using your mesh body Hud.
  • Take the tattoo off by clicking the clear button on Izzie's hud or by using the clear options on your mesh body Hud.

Find more OMEGA help here!

How to use MAITREYA (V5 or higher) Appliers:

  • Make sure you are on a region where scripts are allowed.
  • IMPORTANT : make sure to add either the tattoo, underwear or clothing mesh layer from your Maitreya body folder before applying or the applier will not work!

  • Add Izzie's Maitreya Applier Hud and click on your preferred color/style.
  • If you want to tint the layer, click the layers tab on your Maitreya Hud, then click "advanced" and use the color picker.

  • Take the texture off by clicking the clear button on Izzie's hud, by taking off the tattoo/underwear/clothing mesh layer or by using the clear option on your body Hud

Find more MAITREYA help here!

How To Clear Face Tattoo On Bento Head


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